Muzzle Punch Presents: Rude and Skewed/Ep. 1

This is THE VERY FIRST PODCAST I ever did, with my good friend Pat Hanley.  I plan on releasing the all five of the episodes that we did over the next few weeks, we had a lot of fun making them and I look forward to the possibility of he and I getting together in the future for more episodes of Rude and Skewed as making this podcast was always a lot of fun.  ENJOY!!!

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Ep. 3: Politics and Gymnastics – Guest: Jeff Krok

Great conversation about the current state of American politics! Me and my friend Jeff Krok have wonderfully informative and insightful conversation, if you like politics and find gymnastics interesting this is worth the listen. COME ON, DOWN LOAD THE EPISODE!!! You won’t be disappointed.

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